Automated Presentation of directory src/demos/audio/

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README file from "audio" directory

     Explanation of the contents of ~4Dgifts/toolbox/src/demos/audio dir

        This subtree contains the following audio demo source code:

     amesh  :  performs a spectrum analysis of an incoming audio signal
               and displays it in a real-time "waterfall" of frequency 
               spectrums.  This is the bonafide demo that can be found
               in /usr/demos/bin and needs the C++ software option to be 
               able to be re-compiled.  
	       NOTE:  You will need to have the C++ (/usr/lib/libC.a) 
                      software option installed in order to compile 
     ameshC :  a "straight C" language version of amesh lives in this 
     bz     :  tank-battle blow-'em-up game with audio hooks n' cues.
               NOTE:  You will need to have the C++ (/usr/lib/libC.a) 
                      and the Inventor (/usr/lib/libInventor.a) software 
                      options installed in order to compile drive.
     drive  :  exceptionally inspired "clyde crashcop" driver 
               NOTE:  You will need to have the C++ (/usr/lib/libC.a) 
                      software option installed in order to compile 
     synthia:  plays an audio sound file and simultaneously displays
               the notes on a simulated keyboard.
     These programs will currently work on 4D/35 Personal IRIS and IRIS
     Indigo machines.  

Files of interest from "src/demos/audio" directory




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OR, ...
a compressed tar image of the entire audio directory.

Copyright © 1995, Silicon Graphics, Inc.